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2007-06-24 20:07:48
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The Anti-Prom

Yup, they're finally here! The pictures from the almighty Anti-Prom (like a prom, but 150 times better and with alcohol) I am [Beki in Wonderland] and the only other person who's on here who was at the party is Alex or [Lexxi Scuzz]. So here we go, this is why deep down in your heart you really want to be British (if you're not already British XD) just so you can come to parties like this! Bet your prom wasn't half as good as ours!! XD
20 minutes into the night and [Lexxi Scuzz] is already on her arse.
Joshwa looking gormless. His hair is shinyful X3
Walker with his face stuffed full of jelly XD
Alex and me posing as her extra head XD
Alex looks drunk. I look weird. We have cider. XD
Yeah. Josh is wearing a dress. No, i don't know why.
Josh in his dress again XD
Me with cider. Oh, and Josh in the dress.
Cross with beer, and the saucy charades infront of his face XD
Cross with top hat.
Me and Alex, myspace photo!
Alex's butt XD Don't ask me why i took this.. i don't know XD
Me and Chris, and i'm actually beginning to look drunk..
Chris and Alex. Not entirely sure what she's doing XD
Mike and his extra head AKA Steevo.
Josh got boobs. Then tried to lick them XD
Josh is getting a bit too fond of his new breasts...
Alex and Me. I look retarded...
Cross. Aww, look at him in his tie XD
Alex yelling at someone.. I can't remember who XD
Me and Alex's feet!
We went to the park... And i hung upsidown.. Lol, look at our alcohol in the background..
I thought the tree's looked like two polar bears kissing o_O *coughacidcough* XD
My leg O_O I love those trousers XD
Alex on the swing, wasted and with alcohol.. She'd drank a fair bit of rum by this point too..
Me on the swing with alcohol. I like this picture XD
This just looks cool. Josh and Alex.
Josh headbanging XD XD
Ze band. Well, mainly the wall... And bits of the band XD
Alex 'helping' Walker play the drums..
Alex and me and the side of Josh's head. We were wasted by this point. Yes i have a tea cosy on my head.
Cross. Yes he has writing all over his face. Look at this one in full size, Steevo looks deformed in the background XD XD
Alex and Me. And alcohol and my tea cosy XD
Cross windmilling XD This amuses me :p
Walker drumming and looking completely smashed. Which he was.
Alex when me and her went for a walk at 1am..
Me and Alex on our walk. Yeah, i STILL have the tea cosy on my head.
Steevo stuck in the baby swing XD
This is from the next morning.. We discovered my camera has a sepia setting.. Me and Alex.
Sepia again XD Joshwa in the smoothie shop XD
Alex trying to look innocent. Sepia!alex XD
Walker and Josh looking severely hungover at the bus station.

Yeah, don't you wish you'd been there!?! It was awesome... It's like 'spot the alcohol' in most of these pics XD Anyway, yeah that's it. Roll on the next party!!!

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2007-06-24 [shinobi14]: DAMM!!! And ive got that damm prom to go to... *cries*

I love the polar bear pic, Bekifluff. Share the love. <3

2007-06-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: 'DAMM!!'? Lol, i think that's the best way to describe the party yeah... Whey are so.. nyah.. about going to the prom?? *pats*

Oh, it does look like polar bears then?? I thought i was just tripping on something, but i took a picture anyway XD

2007-06-24 [shinobi14]: Prom = Dancing

Danny = None Dancer. >.<

2007-06-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Hahaha, it's ok, you can wing it...
That's why the anti prom was a good place for me. I'm a none dancer too. So me and Alex got away with doing the numa dance instead of dancing properly XD

2007-06-25 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yeah that was so damn awesome! X3 lol luffles! XD the party RAWKED!! and the best thing is.. well ALOT OF BEST THINGS BUT UNLIKE THE PROM THE MUSIC ISN'T CRAP, THERE IS ALCOHOL AND EVERYONE THERE WAS COOL! x3 so tyeah.. i must steal all these pics.. unless you could e-mail the file to me pweese Beki.. oh and did you get the bloodstock ticket related text?

2007-06-25 [shinobi14]: Gah... *hangs head*

Its tonight... and im wearing a suit. ¬___¬*

I dont know if it will be a good night, or a bad night. *sighs*

How many people were there at the anti-prom?

2007-06-25 [Beki in Wonderland]: Calm down Areku, that makes no sense XD Yeah i got the bloodstock related text and are you sure your dad doesn't mind?? Cuz i have the money now, and i also have your wages, sorry! I'll give them back tomorrow. We're still going into mold, right?

In answer to Danny's question... i have no idea XD There were lots.. but people were coming and going so yeah...
I'm sure you'll have a good time at the prom! It probably won't be anything like what you're expecting.

2007-06-25 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol there were about 40 i think.. but i'm not sure i wasn't sober enough to remember much! It did make sense though.. in my head anyways! X3 lol

yeah we're still going into mold you getting the school bus?

2007-06-25 [Beki in Wonderland]: Well apparently there's been a change of plan due to my parents incompetance... Well.. My dad said i can either go into Chester on Weds or tomorrow, but i'm supposed to be going into Mold both days so it's a bit gay.. why can't my family plan in advance!?! >:(

2007-06-25 [Lexxi Scuzz]: meh doesn't matter i'm not arsed really i'll go meet josh and have a look in homebase for stuff to decorate my room with! X3 it looks so bare now all my stuff is being packed away!

2007-06-25 [Beki in Wonderland]: HOMG 0__0 I want to decorate mine now, but that would mean tidying it *blah* ...I want a Naruto themed room because i'm sad like that XD I might do it now since i have alot of free time on my hands.. Well, next week i do anyway XD Organise my room, chuck everything out, then DECORATE!!! Yursh...

2007-06-25 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol thats what i'm doing at the moment but we need to get a builder in! XD ahh well i can get started anyways. hmm i might go to the cinema this week and chester to see cal and people.. i haven't been to chester in a while.

2007-06-25 [Beki in Wonderland]: Why on earth are you getting a builder in o____O What are you doing?! XD I need to go to chester too, despite the fact that i have 0 cash and i'm £7 in debt already xD This is the reason i'm NEVER getting a credit card XD

2007-06-26 [shinobi14]: Haha... the thought of you with a cledit card Beki, is scary. XD

Gah! I need to go to Chester too! My hair dye is calling. ^-^

AND i have a job now! I went to an interview... and i got the job!!! *dances* Woo!! *starts on Saturday*

AND!!! Im decorating my room too! =D Im moving to another house on the other side of Buckley on the 28th *fingers crossed* and im painting the walls, and buying some more furniture. ^__^ I think ive decided on dark blue and cream. XD

2007-06-26 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yush... Beki + Credit card = DANGER!!!

I need to get a job >.< My cousin is asking her boss if i can get a job where she works.. which will be fun because us two together is a disaster from the word go XD

Now i REALLY need to decorate my room -__- gah, i want pop tarts <_< >_>

2007-06-26 [Lexxi Scuzz]: I'm going for a japanese theme and i need a builder to look at a wall or something.. i dunno mother's orders so i'll do what she says! =D

I think i might go to chester on saturday if it's nice and hang out in the ampy.. coz i will have my allowence and wages from work (if i see you before then Beki) and two lots of babysitting money.. and the £5 for cleaning the bathroom.. XD I love being able to work again..

I gotta go to the job center as parent has decided i need something to occupy my time.. -_- feh w/e

2007-06-28 [shinobi14]: Well, id prefer working one day a week than having nothing to do... ¬¬

OOOOO!! Japanese theme?! Whats that look like then? =]

<img:Br23-gif.gif> You have to decide to go on Saturday, dont you? Grrrr.... *points up to other comment* I have a SATURDAY job!!! *cries*

2007-06-28 [Lexxi Scuzz]: *pats* well i don't think we're going now.. i think we may be going monday... change of plans lol! XD

you will have to wait and see! ^__~ i'm not sure what it's going to look like yet but my mum's talking about getting me a proper roll up japanese style bed! XD Or a really low one.. which would be awesome X3

yeah but i don't have nothing to do.. i have lots to do.. like decorating and wandering around and stuff!

2007-07-08 [Beki in Wonderland]: Wheeeeeeee *random comment after a long time not commenting <_< >_>* I'm spending all next week clearing out my room and getting ready to decorate.. I feel a trip to Ikea coming on!!!!!!!!! Nyahahaha... My mum was all *wtf* about my walk in manga idea, but she can just go and be boring somewhere else, i want my room to be trippy and insane!! It's not like i spend much time in there anyway, most of my life is lived either outside or in the computer room XD Waaaaaa </ramble>

2007-07-09 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol yeah.. and tbh it's not like she could stop you anyways! XD ahhh i haven't been on here in a while.. i have pictures to upload o_O but i can't be bothered right now.. i think i'm doing an all nighter tonight nad going into school semi-dead tomorrow! lol that seems like an appropriate thing to do to me! XD Then i can upload, message, comment, be a nerd and write.. hopefully managing to get everything in order.. and i'm not joining any more websites! lol.. i have too many as it is! XD

2007-07-09 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yersh i know how you feel.. i did an all nighter last night so if i pull another one tonight it may well be a miracle.. im amazed im still alive to type XD XD I'm going to take a hammer to my skull in a minute if this headache doesn't piss off back to austria... Seriously... bloody austrians.. I may pull an all nighter again, depending on how dead i feel XD School semi-dead sounds like fun.. It'll be just like old times X3 OMG i was so pathetic today, i was looking through some old photos from just after Download when i still had long hair (i know it was after DL because i was wearing my wristband XD) and i started crying!! It was all just so "ooooomg, we had some good times *cries over pictures*" ...I'm so pathetic XD

2007-07-10 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol aww! tbh thats the reason i haven't looked at my leaving book recently! I want to put in some more photos of us in chester and of work and stuff! lol just to remember this whole year really coz it's been amazing! Man i'm starting to feel a bit teary just thinking about it.. but we've had such a great time and i get the feeling that everything is going to change in the next couple of months.. you know like everything's shifting and re-arrangin itself.. it's like zomg we're alomst done knowing whats going to happen to us in the next years.. like school which was always inevitable, always going to happen no matter what now isn't.. it's scary! o_O

2007-07-16 [shinobi14]: Indeed it is. I feel a bit the same, but for you guys its different. You two have been in the same school for a few years now, so a better relationship has been built. =] Me, almost always travelling (no more!! BWAHAHAH!! ) i dont have that kind of friendship with many people here. =/

But you guys have been amazing, seriously. You kinda put me under your wing, and you nourished me, and turned me into a metalhead hippy!! =D  So id like to say thank you for that. =]

Hey, there's always 6th form, eh? =/

2007-07-16 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol true there is.. zomg dan i'm having a complete and utter giggling fit now! XD you made us sound like a couple of birds i have images of us sitting on you flapping now! -_-

lol aye! I'm glad you came to our school and our form! *nods* you're a great person to have around and personally i don't think it makes any difference you were only there for a year i feel we've been freinds for ages! I'd miss you as much as anyone if you left! so don't!!! *pokes with stick*

Yeah we'll make a name for ourselves in 6th form! we'll continue our reign of madness!

2007-07-23 [shinobi14]: Damm straight we will! They will remember us well. *giggles*

¬¬* And no, Alex. You are not a bird.

2007-07-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Hur hur, i really want to draw me and Alex as birds now XD Unfortunately, due mainly to the fact that i fail at life, i can't draw birds =__= I can draw cats now though.. They're almost birds... Just more furry and carnivorous.. And less winged <_< >_> Poo it, i'll try anyway!!! X3

2007-07-24 [Lexxi Scuzz]: strange child.. and who are you to say i'm not a bird? I cna be if i want to be.. =P *hugs* ahh well.. even if i can't sit on you flapping i can still hug you in a deranged manor! welcome back btw!

2007-07-24 [shinobi14]: ^_______^ Im back!!

And of course you can be a bird, Alex. *pets*

2007-07-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yeeesss, welcome back! Now there will be insanity on EP aswell as ET!! w00t! XD

2007-07-24 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol insanity on ET??? meh.. missed that boat!

yay i'm a birdy!!! woop! *dances*

2007-07-25 [Beki in Wonderland]: Haha, oh dear... Yes, insanity on ET, i've been getting alot of it recently.. Apparently slightly mentally disturbed people feel the need to talk to me <_< >_>

2007-07-30 [shinobi14]: That place should be "The Lunatic" lol

There are tonnes of weirdos on there! >.< Thats why i dont sign up.

2007-08-04 [Beki in Wonderland]: They're weird, but they're cool! And i'm one of them so nyah XP I just got back from my holidaaaaaaaaay... And now i'm tired and going to fix the TV because my mum blew it up or something.. Meh, my family >__<

2007-08-05 [shinobi14]: OOOO!! Where did you go for your holiday? *is interested*

2007-08-05 [Beki in Wonderland]: Just down to the south coast to see the insane half of my family :p I nearly fell off a pier ^___^ i was very proud :p

2007-08-06 [shinobi14]: *ish jealous* >.<

I wanna fall off a pier... *cries*

2007-08-06 [Beki in Wonderland]: It was Dave's fault.. He suggested that we put a trampoline on the end of the pier. Very intelligent *cough*

Don't cry dear *pats* you'll get your chance to fall off a pier one day!

2007-08-08 [shinobi14]: *sniggers* Dave... hehe... what a cool name!!

And he sounds delightful! ...just dont let him near a microwave. XD

2007-08-08 [Beki in Wonderland]: Rofl, why is Dave a cool name?? He is delightful. He gave me much sound advice. Like "Don't smoke lino, it's bad." and "Don't stick a hoover in reverse and point it at a dogs ass." He is very wise and full of wisdomosity.

2007-08-08 [Lexxi Scuzz]: o_O lol thats dave for you the only dave i knew kept trying to kill me with a speed boat XD lols i'm back too btw! X3

2007-08-08 [Beki in Wonderland]: Haha, there must be something about Dave's. My uncle Dave is bonkers aswell.. Infact, most of the Dave's i know are complete lunatics... It's the name, it must be XD

2007-08-09 [shinobi14]: I told ya!! ^-^

Gah, Daves are great. =]

Pooooooor Alex. ^_______^

2007-08-09 [Lexxi Scuzz]: Daves rock.. lol! XD all the Dave's i know are mildly insane!

it's okay he didn't manage! XD (obviously) results in less than 2 weeks! :o scary!!

2007-08-09 [shinobi14]: I know!!! >.<

You know you have done spectacularly, though. XD

2007-08-09 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yesss, Alex you don't even need to think about worrying about failing... I do, but i don't care. I have decided that if i've failed then so be it, i can't change that now so feh. I'll manage somehow, i'm good at that XD

2007-08-10 [Lexxi Scuzz]: I don't.. all i know is i managed to turn up to the exams and write something.. and that i probably flunked english.. >.<

lol yeah you are and i probably won't fail but i will be upset if i didn't do as well as i wanted to.. >3< but thats just me.. lofty ambitions and all that!

2007-08-10 [shinobi14]: Hehe... well, its healthy to have lofty ambitions. Its those that will get you places in life. ^___^

Nah, you should always have the mentality that you have done the best you can. =] It helps alot.

2007-08-11 [Lexxi Scuzz]: thats true! and it's good to get places.. unless those places be nasty in which case it's not. <_<

well whenever i think i've done well i always end up having done badly =/ so i've given up on that!

2007-08-11 [shinobi14]: Ahhh... well, try expecting the worst then! ^-^

2007-08-11 [Beki in Wonderland]: I'm expecting the worst (Y) i'm not actually all that worried though, while everyone else seems to be wetting themselves o_O i guess i know i've failed and it doesn't bother me any more XD

2007-08-12 [Lexxi Scuzz]: I'm not wetting myself.. i'm not all that bothered.. it's not like it's cost me any sleep and i can think about it without breaking out into hysteria! XD *ish proud* but yeah i'm choosing the "it doesn't exist" option that way it doesn't matter at all!

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: I cant wait! I know ill be proud of everything ill get, even though ill fail music terribly. XD Just gotta accept what you have got, really. =]

2007-08-12 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yup thats true! XD lol your making me excited about it now.. XD for no reason.. at all.. >3<

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: BWAHAHAH!!! Can someone help me to understand what >3< means?

2007-08-12 [Beki in Wonderland]: It's a scrunched up pouting face XD >3<
I'm quite looking forward to getting my results... Mum is going to go ape no matter what i get, but i've decided that i don't care. She can yell at me all she wants, as long as i scrape a pass in everything, it's good enough for me XD

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: That sounds good enough to me, Beki. =] Passes in everything.

And i cant see a pouting face... =[

2007-08-12 [Beki in Wonderland]: Aye ^____^
Yar, i picked it up on DA somewhere.. you have to have a fangirl mind to get some of the faces that pop up there.. like this one OAO is apparently a shocked and upset face o_O can't see it myself but there we go XD

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: Roooiite... O__o

Ill just nod and agree!! ^-^

2007-08-13 [Lexxi Scuzz]: i see a shocked birdy.. o_O but thats just me!! I see the pouty thing.. admittedly i realised after grumpily pouting at it for a while when i first saw it! XD i've started putting hashes after my faces for no reason at all.. -_-# but it looks cool! =3

2007-08-13 [Beki in Wonderland]: It does XD i picked up all the faces i do off DA really... They make sense to me XD My favourite is OwO cuz it's evil in my eyes XD XD

2007-08-13 [shinobi14]: I like this one... -_-* <--- It looks like he is angry!!

2007-08-14 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol OwO looks like another birdy to me.. o_O lol yeah thats pretty awesome dan! X3 i got all mine off.. ET and EP and MSN really! and why is everyone doing: (Y) now? to me it will always be the symbol of breasts.. i don't get it..

2007-08-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yeah, it's always been the symbol of boobs to me... it's the msn thumbs up thing aint it? Apparently it's the new :)
...I will always love my demented OwO face X3

2007-08-14 [Lexxi Scuzz]: is it? it looks feck all like thumbs up and alot like tits to me.. o_O

2007-08-14 [shinobi14]: I Know! So im glad that im not the only one that doesn't understand that one! *dances*

To me, it looks like bunny ears... or a bottom wearing a G-string... O__o

2007-08-15 [Beki in Wonderland]: Haha, you two are silly XD If you type (Y) in on msn, a little thumbs up sign appears XD XD it does look like a bum wearing a G-string though o___O Oh well XD

2007-08-15 [shinobi14]: OH.... *nods* Okay. ^-^

2007-08-15 [Beki in Wonderland]: I saw the little spark of realisation there XD

2007-08-15 [Lexxi Scuzz]: it doesn't work on mine.. i always get (Y) no thumbs up at all... so i have the right to be confused.. yeah i agree with you Dan.. G string .. *nods*

2007-08-16 [shinobi14]: *boogies* ^_______^

2007-08-20 [Beki in Wonderland]: *glances around* .... *boogies also* .... *falls over* <_< >_>

2007-08-22 [Lexxi Scuzz]: *joins in boogying* yeah... i can stand again! X3 tis a mirical! XD

2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: ALEX!!! :O :O

Miracle... how did you spell that wrong*

2007-08-23 [Beki in Wonderland]: Omg, yeah O___O Alex, that is a terrible spelling of miracle XD XD ROFL XD And it really amuses me for some reason! XD

2007-08-24 [shinobi14]: ZOMG Bekiiii!! How did you do in your GCSEs? =]

2007-08-24 [Beki in Wonderland]: Badly o_O it doesn't matter though, mum's decided after much yelling (which hasnt done my throat much good i'll tell you that) that im allowed to go to 6th form after all ^__^ which is good, as i was planning on going anyway, no matter what they said XD

2007-08-24 [shinobi14]: MWAHAHAH!!! 6th form will be great!! XD

We will plot eeevil things... that will be eevil... *cackle*

2007-08-26 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yeah i can't wait! X3 and my spelling has always been crap >3< lol my throat still hurts and i just killed my finger.. i'm off to find tyrozets.. *nods*

2007-08-26 [Beki in Wonderland]: My doctor gave me a load of Tyrozets XD i was like 'Aaaah, i know what these are!' and he just gave me a look <_< >_> My throat isn't too bad now, i can shout again! But i still sound like a complete wazzock XD

2007-08-26 [shinobi14]: RoFlol!! Wazzock is such an amazing word. *sighs*

YAY! Me three! I also know what Tyrozets are. =] I could always give you a 20% discount on them at work. =D *boogies at pharmacy staff discount*

2007-08-28 [Lexxi Scuzz]: could you??? i might take advantage of that at some point!! lol i'm a tyrozets addict.. =___= it's a seriously bad habit! XD

2007-08-29 [Beki in Wonderland]: i love them XD Whenever i get a slightly sore throat, out come the tyrozets XD It's probably not a good thing <_< >_>

2007-08-29 [shinobi14]: <img:mood16-gif.gif> ... Addicted to Tyrozets??

*blinks* You two must be the first cases. >.<

2007-08-29 [Beki in Wonderland]: rofl, yeah.. We'll be the first people in existence to go into rehab over being addicted to Tyrozets XD XD

2007-08-29 [Lexxi Scuzz]: that and what else were we going to go in rehab over? i can't remember lol!

i don't even need a sore throat i take them anyways but i have none left now *sob*

2007-08-30 [Beki in Wonderland]: We were going in for the RS addiction, but i'm over that now XD I think it was just a summer holidays thing <_< >_>

I've bloody lost mine.. They don't do all that much for me anyway, i just like the taste of them XD

2007-08-30 [shinobi14]: Has anyone here ever tried Catarrh pastilles?

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Nope.. what are they?

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Errrm... The things that help clear up Catarrh? lol

I think there may be an (sp?) needed there. XD

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Wtf is catarrh? Is it that throat thing that i always used to call guitar? (which would fully explain why i have no idea what you're talking about) ...I have no idea why you would know if i always used to call it guitar... Gah, what am i talking about..

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yeah lol.. no i mean no i've never tried them.. it's never really been a problem for me..

I'm having de ja vu did we perchance have this tyrozet convo on the phone earlier beki?! =P 

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yes, i believe we did :O homg! I know what Dan is talking about now, i just didn't have a clue it was spelt like that XD I was reading that as.. sort of.. imagine a pirate saying guitar. That's pretty much how i was reading it XD XD

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol XD bless! I caught on pretty quickly! XD XP hmm i think i'm going to head off the pc now.. i gotta get up and go to a careers meeting tomorrow at 9:30 =___= >.<

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: RoFl!! (i actually laughed out loud at that!)

Well, why I ask... is that i tried them as a dare... and they are the most revolting thing ive ever put in my mouth...


2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: what me having to get up early? thanks =___=

lol yeah. i shall make a note to never do that EVER!!

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Nononono!! What Beki said made me laugh!!!11!!!1!oneone!!

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Ahaha, what did i say? <_< >_> *memory of cabbage* *can't be bothered reading back what i've already written* ...Careers meeting eh? Why? Well... I'm going to Asda because they have jobs going. That means i get to wear a bright green uniform. And i think that is the most amazing thing ever.

2007-08-31 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol that is pretty awesome.. and because i need a part time job and i need to decide on a career and becuase i have nothing better to do with my time than annoy teenage job councillors! X3

2007-08-31 [Beki in Wonderland]: Aaah fair enough! I've already been to see one and i don't think she liked me much <_< >_> Pah. That's her problem! I just want my neon green uniform XD

2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Remember Lexxi: You want a career as a hobo.

2007-09-02 [Lexxi Scuzz]: okay *remembers* lol no i wanted to be a pirate.. my guy was cool he told me i didn't need to do anything and there was no reason for me being there and then rambled for an hour!

2007-09-02 [shinobi14]: :O I want that guy!!

... not in that way, Alex. >.<

Aye, i be setting sail for now. 'Til the next moon!! YARRR!!

2007-09-02 [Beki in Wonderland]: ROFL, Dan i took that totally the wrong way XD Oh dear...

2007-09-02 [shinobi14]: ¬___¬'''

Beki... you dont want me to get the haddock out, do you??!!

2007-09-02 [Lexxi Scuzz]: i did wonder.. rofl.. i was like o___O dan wants the career's advisor! =P

yes!! HADDOCK!!!!

2007-09-02 [Beki in Wonderland]: *snort* career's advisor porn... Oh God, i'll never take life seriously again... My mind just has to twist everything in the worst possible way >____<

YES HADDOCK!!! But not to hit me with! Or I'll use my killer asparagus crossbow of DEWM!!!!

2007-09-03 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol yeah but i thought the same thing if it's any consolation! XD

yeah.. DEWM.. lol i'm an echo side swapping midget *dances* kill me now! =P

2007-09-03 [Beki in Wonderland]: Ah good, we can be sick minded together then <_< >_>

Rofl, what are you talking about? Echo side swapping midget? That's... interesting XD XD

AND XION IS SWEDISH!!! This had nothing to do with anything at all, but i just discovered it and it really amused me.. Swedish.. XD *dies*

2007-09-04 [shinobi14]: Swedish reminds me of Sunday dinner. XD

2007-09-04 [Lexxi Scuzz]: o_O strange.. sunday dinner huh? Any reason? or is it because you have sweeeed for sunday dinner? hmmm hmmm!!!!

lol yes we can.. infact we already are pretty sick minded! XD

yes.. <_< don't ask.. i think it's better we left that alone. 

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